Criminal Defense Lawyer and Attorney at Law
In most cases, I can keep you out of prison. I will minimize the consequences on your life. Felony cases such as Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC); Felonious Assault; Felony Firearm; Possession of Cocaine, Heroin, etc, Fleeing & Eluding; UDAA; Uttering & Publishing; Felony Drunk Driving[OWI]; require a retainer of at least $3,000.00. With over 30 years serving Wayne, Oakland, Macomb counties as well as downriver as a criminal defense lawyer, I have the knowledge, experience and networked connections to help provide you with the best outcome possible.
What is the Cost of a Criminal Defense Lawyer?
Most district court matters such as Driving While License Suspended [DWLS]; Spousal Abuse; Drunk Driving; Retail Fraud, etc. start as low as $1200.00 down.
Probation violation (Show Cause) hearings or a hearing to set aside a warrant start at $1200. A Motion for Reconsideration of Sentence (expungement) starts at $2,400.00.
Call Bo Today! (734) 282-0200Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer for Drunk Driving (DUI, OUIL, OWI, +.17 OWI)
Assault and Battery Felony Resisting Arrest Minor in Possession Probation Violations Sexual Assault DUI, DWI, OUI, OWI Domestic Violence Drug Possession Obstruction Fleeing and Eluding PPO Violations Drug Trafficking Solicitation Manslaughter Robbery Murder Shoplifting Theft Cocaine/Crack Fraud Felony Firearm Experience and a proven track record as a successful criminal defense lawyer and criminal defense attorney is what you need during challenging times. Take active control of your life and call me today! I know all the Judges, have the lowest prices and the best chance of keeping your present world together.